Thursday, July 28, 2011

Extreme Ironing

     What happens when a man has wants to go rock climbing, but needs to have no wrinkles in his clothes? While most might sacrifice the wrinkles for rock climbing, Phil Shaw of England decided to combine both. Thus the advent of extreme ironing began. Extreme ironing definite would be classified as both awesome and epic. I mean, think about it. You are ironing atop a mountain or while skydiving. This sport is the definition of awesome and epic.
Ironing with a good view
     You may be asking yourself, “How do I do this so called extreme ironing?” Well, it is so simple even a squirrel can do it (despite the fact that squirrels do not like ironing and do not care if their shirts have wrinkles). First, find any conventional, or unconventional, outdoor activity. Then, bring your board and an iron and get to ironing.

     Want to take the canoe out on the lake? Want to hitchhike along the highway? Boom! Great opportunities to iron. Not only are you participating in an extreme sport, you are making sure your clothes are suitable for work the next day. You are killing two birds with one stone (which is another sport that will be featured at a later date).
Gets to watch underwater basket weaving while ironing.
     This is only the beginning. With a sport such as extreme ironing, not even the sky is the limit. Although the sport is less than two decades old, it has been showcased on various news segments for the sheer epicness and audacity of the extreme ironers. AESA will surely deliver more news as time goes on for extreme ironing.
-Brooks Hawkins


  1. Replies
    1. screw u man u not a real extreme ironing fan. this is why the world is declining. thank you for ruining my day. btw don't go out of your house tomorrow.

  2. screw u man u not a real extreme ironing fan. this is why the world is declining. thank you for ruining my day.
